Make January work for you – 4 ways

Make January work for you – 4 ways

When examining the 2023 year ahead, are you looking for positive trends and opportunities to get yourself started on the right track? Do you look at things like hygge, hibernation, Lagom, and self-care? What trips you up every day? Need a lot more “Hygge” in your life?

5 things you have to relearn after becoming a CEO coach

5 things you have to relearn after becoming a CEO coach

Five lessons for would be CEO coaches or mentors. Transitioning from company leadership to mentoring practices. Relearning, waiting, and listening while building trust. It’s a complete switch to go from expecting work-life separation while pursuing the bottom line, to addressing emotional and personal roadblocks alongside occupational ones. Breaking new ground and a deeper dive for former executives.

Economic Trends for 2023 and Beyond

Economic Trends for 2023 and Beyond

Another great read for CEOs, Executives, and their teams, looking for information on Economic Trends for 2023 and Beyond. Trying to remain hopeful that 2023 will provide a stable environment for investors, businesses, and their employees.

Past the Crest – Inflation Moves

Past the Crest – Inflation Moves

Past the Crest – Inflation Moves. Looking for information on how to lead your team toward the next big shift? Timely and Informative – A must-read for all CEOs and Exe’s Inflation Moves Past the Crest

Handle Workplace Stress Today – 4 Ways

Handle Workplace Stress Today – 4 Ways

How’s your competency in your role as a leader when it comes to managing employee stress and fear at work? Four strategies to help identify workplace issues and stop them from spreading to your entire team. Preparing for when anxiety levels in your business take an uptick.

Become the Leader You Were Meant to Be – 9 Ways to Break Out of Your Shell

Become the Leader You Were Meant to Be – 9 Ways to Break Out of Your Shell

Become the Leader You Were Meant to Be – 9 Ways to Break Out of Your Shell Leadership. Encouraging others to lead from the front, “to change lives and make a lasting impact on the world”. It starts with self-reflection, asking yourself some tough questions. Are you a thought leader? What examples are you setting? Looking for ways to become that leader you were meant to be?

Running the family business – How to prepare the next generation

Running the family business – How to prepare the next generation

he family business – is the next generation ready to lead? Put to rest the assumption that “someone else will always be there to care for the business” By not preparing the younger generation in the decision-making processes or leadership roles, that can be an opportunity missed. Are you providing guiding principles that create progressive developmental experiences?

10 Tips to Survive And Thrive In Business Today

10 Tips to Survive And Thrive In Business Today

Are you just barely surviving or thriving in your business? 10 Tips to Survive And Thrive In Business Today. A timely read that speaks to the challenges that many entrepreneurs and well-established businesses deal with every day. Plus a good reminder to be kind to yourself.

Optimize Product Pricing/Profits

Optimize Product Pricing/Profits

Knowing when to raise the price is a strategic way to raise profits and can be done without damaging sales or revenue. Do you want to successfully turn your company around? Business Operations Improvement

The Great Resignation – What Employers Should Have Learned

The Great Resignation – What Employers Should Have Learned

Why are employees still joining The Great Resignation? How has the business world globally been impacted by The Great Resignation? What should businesses have comprehended by now? In his article, Gallimore seeks to answer the above questions and a few more challenging ones regarding why employees are still quitting their jobs.