Dale S. Richards BIO

Excel Management Systems, Inc. * Gate-Way Capital, Inc.
2722 South Davis Blvd.

Bountiful, Utah 84010-5749
(801) 299-9902, Fa (801) 299-9900, E-Mail:ExcelDSR@AOL.com

Dale S. Richards,

  • Mountain West Capital Network
  • Association of Corporate Growth
  • National Assoc. Corp. Directors Board Member



Dale S. Richards specializes in Management & Marketing Consulting, Technology Commercialization and Business Financing. He has spent 25+ years consulting with over 150 businesses and universities on corporate structure, finance, organization, employee productivity, technology and product development strategies, process and resource productivity, contracts, marketing and financing. Mr. Richards is a Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) with the National Association of Certified Business Valuators and a Utah Vistage CEO Advisory Board Chair and an international speaker with 200+ speeches given in three countries and 35+ states.


Particular financing work has been with institutional, Small Business Administration (SBA), SBIR/STTR grants, Venture Capital and private investors. Dale has managed tax filings, reporting and company financial reporting for many clients..

Mr. Richards, over the past 25+ years, has had executive management experience as CEO, President and Board of Director in marketing, engineering and administration areas. His management experience includes sales, marketing, engineering, finance, customer relations, power plant operations, quality assurance, business creation and product development.

He had six years as a director in business development for a local utility in which he screened, designed, developed, implemented and managed new businesses, products, and services. Mr. Richards has helped universities commercialize technology for fifteen years improving license or start up company’s value, time to market and probability of success. Thirty-five, technology based companies have been founded under Mr. Richards’ leadership. He helped these and other companies raise $500+ Million in equity funds.

Mr. Richards has served as Chairman of the Board & President of Mountain West Capital Network. He served 15 years as a Board member of the Association for Corporate Growth, National Association for Corporate Directors, the Utah sub-Chapter of the Turnaround Management Association and past Chairman of a local $30 million company. Dale has served as past Chairman of the Utah Manufacturers Technology Committee, a member of the Pioneer Partnership, and a member of the Utah Partnership for Education.

Mr. Richards is a consultant to the Wayne Brown Institute Venture Capital Conferences held in Utah, Hawaii, Phoenix, Los Angeles, Austin, Chicago, and New York. He has been a mentor for 30+ years.

Mr. Richards’ leadership helped guide several technology companies to successful mergers with larger entities. Mr. Richards’ performance enhancement and leadership methods, Productivity Pyramid ® and 80/20 Customer “Gold Program”®, have guided clients to improved revenue, profits and value. One client with losses of $500,000 per year, was turned around to achieve profits of over $2 million per year in less than two years.  He has turned around several companies as CEO.

Dale’s business valuation firms, has help companies value and improve their business value all over the United States and World.  His company’s analyses, calculations and report, are the most comprehensive in the industry. He believes “Knowledge is Power” and provides this for his clients. .

Mr. Richards has a B.S. Degree in Chemical Engineering and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration. Dale resides in Bountiful, Utah, and has seven children and enjoys eleven grandchildren. Dale enjoys the outdoors, sports, religion, service and cultural activities.


Consulting Services

♦ Business Plan Development
♦ Company Valuations
♦ Financial Analysis
♦ Marketing
♦ Founder & Incorp Documents
♦ Financing:
VC, Investors & Institutional
♦ Mergers, Acquisitions & Purchases
♦ Turnaround Management CEO
♦ Product Development & Marketing
♦ Productivity Enhancement
♦ Strategic Planning
♦ Technology Licenses & Licensing
♦ Process Optimization

Partial Client List

♦ Anniversary Inn
♦ Artistech Media
♦ Blomquiest Hale (BHC)
♦ Bowen Law Offices, PC
♦ Brigham Young University
♦ Broadcast International
♦ Candlelight Homes
♦ Cannon Sales
♦ Celerant Consulting, Boston, MA
♦ Clear Play
♦ D&S Fabrication
♦ DigiCorp, Inc.
♦ Empowerosity, Inc. (Hawaii
♦ EPIC Ventures
♦ Excel Energy.
♦ Fluoresentric
♦ GRI/Spectator Blanket
♦ General Communications
♦ GolfersTube.com
♦ Halverson Company
♦ House of Pumps
♦ Independent Stock Market (ISM)
♦ Lava Corp.
♦ MaxTec
♦ Natural Care Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
♦ Northwest Toxicology/ABS
♦ Okland Construction Company
♦ Parker Innovations
♦ Pioneer Oil and Gas
♦ Premium Oil Company
♦ Prototype Mgmt, Voice2Insight
♦ ProPay
♦ Ridgecrest Herbals
♦ Screenrant.com
♦ State of Utah HR Training
♦ University of Utah
♦ Utah Centers of Excellence (UDCED)
♦ Utah Clean, Inc.
♦ Utah Power & Light/PacifiCorp
♦ Utah Small Business Development Ctr
♦  Utah State University
♦ USTAR SBIR Services
♦ VPI Engineering
♦ Warner Truck Center
♦ Weber State University

 Specific Area Consulting Services

It has been Mr. Richards opportunity over the past 21 years to commercialize new ideas, products and technology for many educational institutions and companies. This extensive background can be summarized into three main areas:

  1. Commercialization of technologies and new ideas,
  2. Leadership roles as COE/President/Board Chairman/Board Member or Founder for new companies or the optimization of existing companies, and
  3. Develop a business strategy, business plan, secure funding or value for companies.


The summary tables presented below show Dale S. Richards’ commercialization consulting experience in many industry application areas. Mr. Richards has been a key commercialization consultant for the State Centers of Excellence since its inception. He has assisted with the startup of sixteen new Utah companies and consulted with many companies on operations in a broad array of technologies. He is well known in the community for his ability to successfully commercialize multiple technology applications as one time. His Center PI’s have requested his assistance under the new COE Program because of his excellence performance and rapport with the PI’s and their teams.

  1. Commercialization of Technology and New Ideas – Industry Areas of Experience


Technology Area Result Technology Area Result
Acoustic cooling-energy conversion InPr Meat  processing improvement LicEx
Agriculture –New seed strains LicEx Mineral visualization/simulation LicSU
Artificial – 4th generation heart LicSU-CON Mineral extraction methods LicSU-CON
Bioremediation LicSU-CON Modified activated carbon LicSU
Biology-Transgenics LicSU-ExOf Nanosize particle formation LicSU
Human cell signaling LicSU Neural Interfaces-Artificial sight LicSU-CON
Chemical separation methods LicEx Oil Extraction innovative equip CON
Coal Processing LicEx Particle size analysis LicEx
Computer computational power LicEx-CON Petroleum simulants & reservoir sim. LiSU
Computer circuitry design methods LicEx Raman Instrumentation LicEx
Compression Technology CON Valu Rapid Prototyping LicSU-CON
Construction methods/analysis mat’ls LicSU Small satellite technologies LicSU-ExOf
DNA testing LicCon-ExOf Scientific computing-visuals LicSU
Digital controls LicSU-CON Unmanned air vehicles LicSU-InPr
Fuel cell membranes LicSU Visualizations: Medical 5Lic:2SU,3Ex
Genetic improvement in livestock LicEx Visualization: Security LicSU-InPr-CON
Genome research/methods LicEx Wine testing and analysis LicSU
Isotruss structures LicSU-CON Wireless multi-antennas LicSU

Key for Success notation above:

LicSU = License to and assisted in startup company                     LicEx = License to existing company
ExOf = Executive Officer in licensee company                               CON = Consultant to spin off company
InPr = In the process of commercialization                                     Val = Valuation services

  1. Leadership roles as CEO/President/Board Chairman/Board Member or Founder for new companies or the optimization of existing companies


Company Industry Area Result Company Industry Area Result
Auto-Recreation vehicles CON Hoses, fittings, junctions CON,Val
Automotive appearance products CON Human exercise-fitness TurnCON
Artificial – 4th generation heart CON Information services CON
Bioremediation CON Isotruss structures LicSU-CON
Bio-Analytics – PCR CON, Bd Jewelry stores TurnCON
Biology-Transgenics ExOf Laboratory services CON
Business services software CON Law School Formation CON,Val
Business maintenance services TurnCON Lubricants – Metal working CON
Cabinets & furniture TurnBd Maintenance of operational assets CON
Clothing – modest patterns CON Medical products TurnExOf,Val
Computer computational power LicEx-CON Management consulting ExOf-Bd
Construction-major systems CON,TurnBd Mineral: kaolin TurnExOf-CON
Consumer products-invent to mkt ExOf-Bd Mineral extraction methods CON
Credit Card Services CON Modeling, Acting Services CON
Digital controls LicSU-CON Movie-film productions TurnCON
Digital Music, label, storage Val,CON, Bd Moving & storage CON
DNA, RNA, PCR assay products CON,Val,Ex Neural Interfaces-Artificial sight CON
Electronic data systems TurnCONVal Office products-services TurnBd
Electric system sales TurnCONVal Oil & gas reserves/production CON,Val
Electronic – exercise system CON Petroleum distribution & services TurnCON
Employee Health Care Coaching CON Printing Val, CON,
Energy innovations ExOf-Bd Pump equipment sales-services TurnCON
Engineering Services CON Rapid prototyping CON
Entrepreneur development CON-Bd Security equipment/monitoring Bd-CON
Environmental Land Preserve CON Small satellite technologies ExOf-Bd
Excavation Equip. Controls CON Software technologies TurnCON,Val
Eye-Vision services TurnCON Training, Executives CON
Financial Services – Mortgages CON Transcription services – via web TurnCON,Val
Food manufacturing & services CON,Val Travel – exotic tours CON
Golf Swing Analysis ExOf Utility-public CON
Health & Human Services Con,Val, Bd Venture capital fund Bd
Home automation TurnExOf Visualizations: medical CON-Bd
Home maintenance services TurnExOf,Val Visualization: security CON-Bd
Home Security TurnEx,Bd Window (high rise) clean/maint. CON-Bd

Key for Success notation above:

TurnExOf = Turn around Executive Officer                                 TurnBd = Turn around Board Chairman or Member
ExOf = Executive Officer                                                                Bd = Board of Directors Member
TurnCON = Consultant to Executive Officers or Board           CON = Consultant for optimization
Val = Valuation Services

  1. Business strategy, business plans, valuations and secure funding for companies.


Mr. Richards has reviewed, developed or assisted in the development of over 100 business plans that have resulted in the investment of over $50 million in capital. Over 90% of all business plans developed or optimized by Mr. Richards have been successfully funded. Mr. Richards is also an accredited  business valuator and has completed many valuations for stock plans, litigation, funding, mergers and other business purposes. These business functions are represented in the industries shown in the previous two tables.