Quick Guide to Business Valuation Methods

Quick Guide to Business Valuation Methods

Need help understanding all the different Business Valuation Methods? There are three primary business valuation methods, the Net Asset Method, Market Method, and Income Method. I’ll discuss each in this article. While it is true that there are several different business valuation methods, they do not have to be confusing.

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Simple Ideas to Improve the Value of Your Business

Simple Ideas to Improve the Value of Your Business

Let’s face it, selling a company can be difficult especially when you are attempting to come up with a sales price that is fair for both parties. It may seem obvious, but steady revenue growth is one of a handful of small business valuation ideas that is sure to increase the value of your company.

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Flexibility in Your Leadership Style — Finding the Right Balance

Flexibility in Your Leadership Style — Finding the Right Balance

A forward-thinking article that gives some sound advice and guidance to those who want to improve and are curious about developing a broader, and maybe just a little kinder #leadership style to try out. Finding that balance, and being flexible doesn’t mean micromanaging, rather they offer a better term “practice micro-behaviors” instead. Pushing yourself to look at your employees differently. Become more of a listener instead of a teller

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The complexity of Equity Warrants Valuations

The complexity of Equity Warrants Valuations

The complexity of Equity Warrants Valuations – Do you know the types of Warrants? Warrants are often offered by companies in order to “sweeten the deal”. The idea of a warranty is to offer stock at a predetermined price for a predetermined amount of time which can range from 2 years to the end of time.

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20 Signs of Leadership Excellence

20 Signs of Leadership Excellence

A quick article, one that allows the reader space to self-reflect, and gain insight into what attributes they themselves might inspire to excel towards. We all can improve, and learning about the different styles – that’s a step in the right direction. 20 Signs of Leadership Excellence

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How to Optimize Decision Making During Disruption

How to Optimize Decision Making During Disruption

Do you recognize, and try to avoid, key biases that can damage your decisions? You shouldn’t be basing your decisions solely on how you feel. Optimized decision-making occurs when reliable information such as data, best practices, experience, and knowledge are combined into the process.

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Understanding Preferred Stock in Your Growing Business

Understanding Preferred Stock in Your Growing Business

Are you struggling to understand the valuation of preferred stock? Or even the type of stocks? A certified valuation service can take the pressure and worry from learning formulas and applying valuation models. They return comprehensive reports with specific values for all forms of stock or units within your company.

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4 Things You Should Be Focusing On This Quarter

4 Things You Should Be Focusing On This Quarter

TIP OF THE WEEK comes from David Finkel, author of the 4 Things You Should Be Focusing On This Quarter. In his article, he illustrates just how dangerous complacency can be. It’s a powerful wake-up call for anyone in business that can create a sense of urgency when you fail to plan.

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An Explanation of the Lack of Marketability Discount

An Explanation of the Lack of Marketability Discount

The discount for lack of marketability (DLOM) can mean a significant reduction in the value of your stock based on its ability to be marketed adequately. This is one of three discounts that need to be taken into consideration for overall stock, equity, and business valuations. There are several key points that a certified valuation expert will consider when trying to estimate the discount for lack of marketability.

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How CEOs overcome being stuck in the weeds

How CEOs overcome being stuck in the weeds

Vistage Staff did some research to help CEOs and other senior leaders overcome being stuck in the weeds. In their article How CEOs overcome being stuck in the weeds, they address some reliable ways to clear the field and help you to begin to lead the way you envision. Some positives: Plant something for the future: 1. Develop the team, 2. Delegate tasks, 3. Trust your executive team, 4. Overcome fear of failure. Some Negatives: Start digging your way out!

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Learning from errors – 5 common leadership mistakes CEOs make

Learning from errors – 5 common leadership mistakes CEOs make

Reese’s ideas are imaginative and highly useful. They provide us with ideas for setting a better direction and vision of where we want our company to be. It gives us a process to help make better decisions. He does warn, however, “that new leaders come into companies and want to copy and paste winning strategies from past experience, without first listening to the insights and feedback of customers and existing employees”.

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Brainstorming Sessions Are Great. What Comes Next Matters Too

Brainstorming Sessions Are Great. What Comes Next Matters Too

With these seven steps, you and your team can create exponential value from ideas, grow an innovation economy, and master idea management. According to Baiya, your ideas are ready for action and you can master idea management—and, in turn, master successful innovation. By the end of the article, you’re left with the belief that change is possible on any level, and brainstorming helps process, capture, and evaluate ideas critical for company growth.

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Look for 6 Key Behaviors – What it takes to lead others

Look for 6 Key Behaviors – What it takes to lead others

Do you allow your employees to help determine where the team is headed? Marcel examines leadership, and what it takes to lead others. He provides readers with 6 key behaviors to look for. When dealing with an organization’s most appreciable asset (people), Marcel notes the importance of identifying and developing high-performing employees. Business leaders need to understand how employees feel, and then determine a good strategy to navigate the demands of the future.

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Become a better CEO – 4 ways hobbies can help you

Become a better CEO – 4 ways hobbies can help you

In their article 4 ways hobbies can help you become a better CEO, Vistage Staff touches on the life-balance aspect of living. Rather than a distraction, having a hobby can make you “feel happier, more fulfilled and less burned out”.

…having a hobby can make you “feel happier, more fulfilled and less burned out”

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